Campaign Timeline
- TTCU begins organizing against gender-based violence and harassment in Tamil Nadu
- Jeyasre Kathiravel is killed (JANUARY 2021)
- Criminal cases & retaliation against community members from Jeyasre’s village are leveraged by Eastman Exports (JANUARY 2021)
- Justice for Jeyasre campaign launches with a letter from 90+ International Unions, Labor Groups, Women’s Organizations, and Other Allies Calling on H&M, Gap, PVH, and their Supplier Eastman Exports to Sign a Binding Agreement to End Gender-Based Violence (FEBRUARY 2021)
- Justice for Jeyasre Campaign wins coverage in the Guardian (FEBRUARY & MARCH 2021)
- Mutually agreeable compensation is reached (MARCH 2021)
- Justice for Jeyasre Global Vigil is held (APRIL 2021)
- Speaking Tour Launches (AUGUST 2021)
- The landmark Dindigul Agreement to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence and Harassment is signed by Tamil Nadu Textile and Common Labor Union, Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum, Asia Floor Wage Alliance as well as Eastman Exports and H&M. (APRIL 2022)
- Gap Inc. signs the Dindigul Agreement. (DECEMBER 2022)
- PVH signs the Dindigul Agreement. (DECEMBER 2022)
- One Year After Signing of Dindigul Agreement, Workers Report Major Improvements in Combating Workplace GBVH. (JUNE 2023)
- Oversight Committee Statement on the Progress During the First Year After the Signing of The Dindigul Agreement. (SEPTEMBER 2023)