Feminism in India, May 2022
Industry Initiatives To Tackle Shop-Floor Sexual Violence In India
This article reflects on the sexual violence incident which occurred at Natchi Apparel last year, and H&M’s response to it, particularly its commitment to combat workplace sexual harassment which resulted in the signing of the landmark Dindigul Agreement to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence and Harassment., May 2022
How a Dalit garment worker’s murder sparked a movement that got H&M to address gender-based violence
The global fashion giant signed an agreement in April on making workspaces safer for women staffers after a sustained, Dalit union-led campaign.
The Times of India , April 2022
A dalit women-let union leads the way to make workplaces safer in Tamil Nadu
A campaign by a dalit women-led trade union following the rape and murder of a member has been successful in making the global fashion brand H&M, along with Eastman Exports and Natchi Apparels, Dindigul, to ensure there is no gender-based violence against women workers in factories from where it sources its garments.
BehanBox, April 2022
A Dalit Women’s Union Wrests A First-Ever Private Pact Ensuring Gender Safety At Work
After a year-long campaign by a Dalit women’s union in Tamil Nadu, the multinational fast-fashion brand H&M and its Tamil Nadu-based supplier, Eastman Exports Global Clothing Private Ltd, have signed a legally binding agreement
The News Minute, April 2022
H&M signs historic agreement with TN supplier to end gender violence in garment factories
The agreement comes over a year after the rape and murder of TTCU member Jeyesre Kathiravel, a Dalit woman and an employee of Natchi Apparels, by a supervisor in the same factory.
The Guardian, April 2022
H&M pledges to end shopfloor sexual violence in India after worker killed
Landmark agreement to protect garment workers from violence follows last year’s murder of Jeyasre Kathiravel, a Dalit woman
Ms. Magazine, December 2021
Four Years After #MeToo, We Need a Movement Led by Women of the Global South
Karina Ruiz, Executive Director of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, writes about the need for solidarity between undocumented and Dalit women to lead the fight against sexual harassment.
The Guardian, February 2021
Worker at H&M supply factory was killed after months of harassment, claims family
Fashion brand to investigate the death of 20-year-old Jeyasre Kathiravel, reportedly killed by supervisor at Natchi Apparels.
The Guardian, March 2021
Female workers at H&M supplier in India allege widespread sexual violence
Multiple women at Natchi Apparels have reported abuse weeks after 21-year-old worker was allegedly killed by her supervisor.